ai generated drawing ideas

The reality-bending powers of AI have been kept increasingly busy over the past decade. We’ve had computer vision-powered 3D dioramas; trend-setting style-transfer; viral photorealistic selfie-tuning, selfie-retouching,  face-swaps and — ofc — deepfakes; and plenty of frivolous (and hilarious) fun with selfie filters (ohhai “Disneyfying” cartoon lens!) in between.

AI-powered visual remixing has shown, again and again, it can grab attention. Although keeping “eyes on” once the novelty of an AI-generated effect wears off can be harder. (Selfie retouching apps don’t have that problem, mind; there’s perpetual demand for machine learning as a reality

AI Generated Art: From Text To Images & Beyond [Examples] - Ai Generated Drawing Ideas

What’s most notable about developments in AI-enabled synthetic media over this period is how much speed these visual effects have picked up, helped by ever more powerful mobile processing hardware.

Creatives Fear Ai Generated Art Is Coming For Their Jobs

Wait times for a finished result can now be essentially instant — a game changer for productizing (and potentially monetizing) the creativity and power of neural networks and GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks). Aka, the machine learning frameworks doing the retouching, reframing or indeed generative modelling, jumping off of a human prompt for their inspiration. 

And while most of the app-based visual remixing of the past decade has focused on retouching/restyling/augmenting versus pure-play AI-powered image generation, that too is changing.

Wombo, a Canadian startup which grabbed earlier eyeballs for its eponymous AI-enabled lipsyncing video app, recently launched another app, called Dream (iOS and Android), which uses AI to create original “artworks” — based on a text prompt.

Ai Generated Art: A Tool For Enhancing Creativity

Simple: You simply describe what you want it to paint — say “A terrifying tree” or “The worst sandwich in history” — pick a style from the selection offered (Mystical, Baroque, Fantasy Art, Steampunk, etc.), or opt for “no style”; and hit create.

You can’t even get bored during these few seconds of creation because you get to see a glimpse of the AI at work: The app shows the modelling’s rapid-fire evolution — from starter marks, through a few inhumanly fast additions fleshing out the canvas, to arrive, practically breathless, at another finished composition.

But of course no two prompts generate the same image. So you can keep asking for a new image from the same prompt until you like the look of what you see.

Artist Wins Art Fair Using Painting Created Using A.i. Image Generator

Have less to worry about. Not least because art made by a human brain and body is only going to increase in value once the world is awash with “machine art”. (Just as every NFT minted dilutes the meaning of the phrase “digital art”… )

The quality of the Dream app’s “art” is definitely variable. Longer, more complex prompts seem to confound it. So the quality of the output can depend on what you ask it to draw.

While its “style”, if it can be thought of having a single overarching style in the midst of so much pastiche, tends more to the abstract and distorted versus the specific and precise. So portrait requests won’t be rendered photorealistic. And it’s typically more comfortable depicting the fantastical than the actual. (A “Madonna and child” prompt served a work closer to an infamous Spanish church restoration fail than a crypto-Botticelli, for example.)

Top 41 Ai Art Generators: Make Ai Art, Paintings & More (2021 Guide) —

As soon as a fresh artwork appears, the app wastes no time in trying to sell it — popping up an option to “buy print”, which links to its web shop and looks like a neat way to turn a visual trick into actual revenue. (It’s offering “Custom Wombo Dream Print[s]” that start at $20 for a matte poster or $45 for a framed print.)

If the startup can turn ~20 seconds of processing into $20+ of revenue that could make for a nice little money pipeline.

By the end of last month more than 10 million images had already been generated by users. (While the Google Play app has had over 1 million downloads already, a month or so after launch.)

Ai Image Generation Reshapes The Creative Industry

Happy to announce the (pre)release of WOMBO Dream! Recently discovered alien technology has made it possible to turn your text into art – some examples below 👽 Here’s ‘Giant Yellow Egg’ in the Synthwave style 🌈 — WOMBO.eth (@WOMBO) November 12, 2021

This AI Powered Art App Lets You Paint Pictures With Words - Ai Generated Drawing Ideas

Albeit, most people have finite wall space on which to hang any kind of art, let alone imagery generated by, er, a mindless machine — so most of these random creations will stay firmly virtual. (“AI art” could be perfect NFT fodder, though…)

It’s superior to clip art or stock photos, sure. And the Dream app’s output can also be more interesting than the average “art” print you could buy in Ikea. But results can also be rather queasy — or derivative — or naff — or just plain odd.

A.i. Generated Art Is Already Transforming Creative Work

And, well, is it art? Or is it just a visual output of a mathematical process? An abstraction of human creative skill that can’t translate real emotion or a sense of identity or soul because code doesn’t have any of those things? It’s just doing what it’s told.

Aesthetic. But, well, is that art or just wallpaper? Maybe Wombo should be selling rolls of Dream AI wallpaper or printed mouse mats and t-shirts (merch), rather than “art” prints…

A few things are clear: AI-generated art is incredibly fun to play with. It’s a sort of visual catnip. A toy for the imagination.

Dall E Image Generator Begins New Stage In Ai Development

It’s also, undoubtedly, here to stay. And AI models will keep getting “better” — depending on what we mean by “better” around such a subjective subject as art. (Maybe generative art models will serve more successful results by bringing the user more fully into the creative process — giving them tools to customize and manipulate machine outputs so they can be [fine]tuned until they’re closer to whatever the person was imagining, or else

More personally unique and meaningful. Or, in other words, a more hybrid creation process may make for more powerful and moving art-ish outputs.)

AI Art Generator - Ai Generated Drawing Ideas

There will also be scores of these arty AIs, each producing different “flavors” and “characters” of visual output — derived from their training data. Or even — if you like — art AIs with different “styles”. (But perhaps “specialisms” is closer to the coded mark.)

The Golden Age Of Ai Generated Art Is Here. It's Going To Get Weird

There are a number of other GAN-based image generation AI tools out there — and I confess to being a big fan of Pixray‘s system (the pixel art outputs are especially cute) although its processing speeds are much, much slower — but Wombo appears to have been quickest to the punch to appify and monetize this tech.

I have now gotten enough of a taste of AI-powered creative tools to know that they're going to be much better than even the AI optimists think. So cool to just think of ideas and iteratively have the computer implement and build on them. — Sam Altman (@sama) December 2, 2021Imagine creating a digital painting without ever picking up a paintbrush or instantly generating storybook illustrations to accompany the words. Today, we’re showcasing an exploratory artificial intelligence (AI) research concept called Make-A-Scene that will allow people to bring their visions to life.

Make-A-Scene empowers people to create images using text prompts and freeform sketches. Prior image-generating AI systems typically used text descriptions as input, but the results could be difficult to predict. For example, the text input “a painting of a zebra riding a bike” might not reflect exactly what you imagined; the bicycle might be facing sideways, or the zebra could be too large or small.

Discover And Generate Ai Art

With Make-A-Scene, this is no longer the case. It demonstrates how people can use both text and simple drawings to convey their visions with greater specificity using a variety of elements.

Make-A-Scene captures the scene layout to enable nuanced sketches as input. It can also generate its own layout with text-only prompts, if that’s what the creator chooses. The model focuses on learning key aspects of the imagery that are more likely to be important to the creator, like objects or animals.

As part of our research and development process, we shared access to our Make-A-Scene demo with AI artists including Sofia Crespo, Scott Eaton, Alexander Reben and Refik Anadol.

AI Generated Art - Ai Generated Drawing Ideas

This New Ai App Generates Mesmerizing Digital Art With A Brief Text Description; Check It Out

Crespo, a generative artist focusing on the intersection of nature and technology, used Make-A-Scene to create new hybrid creatures. Using its freeform drawing capabilities, she found that she could begin to create quickly across new ideas.

“As a visual artist, you sometimes just want to be able to create a base composition by hand, to draw a story for the eye to follow, and this allows for just that.” — Sofia Crespo, AI artist

Make-A-Scene isn’t just for artists — we believe it could help everyone better express themselves. Andy Boyatzis, a program manager at Meta, used Make-A-Scene to generate art with his children, who are two and four years old. They used playful drawings to bring their ideas and imagination to life.

I Tested Out An Ai Art Generator And Here's What I Learned

“​​If they wanted to draw something, I just said, ‘What if…?’ and that led them to creating wild things, like a blue giraffe and a rainbow plane. It just shows the limitlessness of what they could dream up.” — Andy Boyatzis, Program Manager, Meta

It’s not enough for an AI system to just generate content. To realize AI’s potential to push creative expression forward, people should be able to shape and control the


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